The United Church of Christ is a theologically and socially progressive denomination that unabashedly engages heart and mind. The UCC was founded in 1957 as the union of several different Christian traditions. From the beginning of our history, we were a church that affirmed the ideal that Christians did not always have to agree with one another, to live together in communion. Our motto—"That they may all be one"—is Jesus' prayer for the unity of the church.

The United Church of Christ is known for intelligent dialogue and a strong independent streak. We are proud of our prophetic tradition and being ahead of the times. Our churches ordained an African-American in the era of slavery, promoted women’s ministry in the 19th century when there were few female ministers, and were the first denomination to ordain an openly gay man, the Rev. Bill Johnson, in 1972. We value diversity, tolerance and inclusion and welcome all of God’s children into our community.

We know we don’t have all the answers to life’s challenges, but instead believe that we can find God in the questions. As such, we believe that God is not done with this world…. God is still speaking.

To learn more, explore the United Church of Christ national website at www.ucc.org
