Our Church
Ravenswood UCC Is Making god’s Love Visible
by raising our voices in joyful song during worship,
by extending a genuine welcome to our visitors,
by providing service to our community and,
by caring for one another in good times and bad.
St. Theresa of Avila wrote in the 14th century that, “God has no hands but our hands.” At Ravenswood UCC we take that as our mission - to be the visible love of God in this time and in this place for all of the children of God.
Our worship is simple and joyful, with organ music that rings of tradition, and preaching that speaks to the issues of today. Join us this Sunday at 10:30 am. Children and families, singles and couples, young and old, gay and straight, people of all colors, shapes and sizes are welcome in this place.
Our Mission Statement
We make God's love visible in Worship, through Fellowship, and in Service to Community.
Our Church's Values
We hold fast to this truth, “No matter who you are, or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.”
We believe that being the church means caring for one another, in good times and bad.
We are inspired by Jesus Christ, and seek to follow his teachings and example.
We are called to work for a more just and peaceful world.
We encourage one another in spiritual growth & connection to God.
We believe that all people are the children of God, deserving of love and dignity.
We are an Open and Affirming congregation of the United Church of Christ. We welcome persons of all races, ages, abilities, and sexual identities.