At Ravenswood United Church of Christ you will find music that is both beautiful and powerful. Our church features a three manual-sixteen rank Kilgen Pipe Organ wonderfully played by Rev. Wayne Bradley who joined as Music Director summer 2022. On occasion, our organ is accompanied by trumpet, violin or professional soloists. To hear a sample of our organ, see below.

Our worship services feature a mix of church hymns, including classics like “Joyful, Joyful, We Adore You”, “See Our Lord in All His Glory” as well as newer songs, like Ruth Duck’s song for creation, “We Cannot Own the Sunlit Sky.” Our church uses the UCC New Century Hymnal which features inclusive, non-gendered language for the name of God. We sing the Gloria Patria after the Assurance of Pardon and the Doxology to express our thanks to God through our offerings.

The Ravenswood UCC Choir is a mix of young and old who share a passion for song and celebration. They meet on Sunday mornings before services to practice and membership is open to all who are willing to put on a robe and give it their best.

Music Samples: